Superannuation ‘work test’ watered down & age limit for spouse contributions increased

As previously announced, from 1 July 2020, Australians aged 65 and 66 will be able to make voluntary superannuation contributions (concessional and non-concessional) without meeting the Work Test. Currently, voluntary contributions can only be made if the individual has worked a minimum of 40 hours over a 30 day period (Work Test). Those aged 65 and 66 will also be able to make up to three years of non-concessional contributions under the bring-forward rule.
In addition, the age limit for spouse contributions will be increased from 69 to 74 years. Currently, those aged 70 years and over cannot receive contributions made by another person on their behalf.
Permanent tax relief for merging super funds
The current tax relief for merging superannuation funds is due to expire on 1 July 2020. The Government will extend this measure permanently.
The tax relief, which enables superannuation funds to transfer revenue and capital losses to a new merged fund, and to defer taxation consequences on gains and losses from revenue and capital assets, has been available since December 2008.
Opt-in insurance delay
The Government will delay until 1 October 2019, the start date for reforms that ensure insurance within superannuation is only offered on an opt‑in basis for accounts with balances of less than $6,000 and new accounts belonging to members under the age of 25 years.
**The material and contents provided in this article contains general information and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. If expert assistance is required, please contact Peer Wealth on (02) 8014 7608.
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